Jedna od ikona britansko zvuka je nakon više godina ponovo obnovljena! Ono što je Jim Rogers započeo 1947 kad je napravio manufakturu za izradu zvučnika i nazvao je po svom prezimenu!
istorija firme Rogers je tesno povezana sa radom britanskog radija BBC i njihovim dizajnerima i istraživačima! Internet je prepun materijala o razvoju malih, srednjih i velikim monitor kutija za koje je BBC propisao dao detaljne skice i nacrte, kako veličine, vrste materijala za samu kutiju, tako i veličine i materijala visokotonske i niskotonske jedinice.
Danas je lako povezati se sa prošlošću uz pomoć pretraživača – ukucajte u google rogers hi fi i dobićete hiljade stranica i fotografija! Jedna od stranica koje govore o istoriji je LS35A.
Neki internet časopisi svrstavaju najmanji model Rogers LS3/5a na treće mesto izmedju 12 najznačajnijih zvučničkih dizajna svih vremena! Opravdano – da ili ne?
Kako izgleda maleni 3/5?

The LS3/5 was developed by BBC Research Department at Kingswood Warren. The design was fine tuned by measuremant, by compasison with the LS5/8 Grade A monitor and also with live sources including orchestras. As a result the development costs were very high and a figure of about £100,000.00 has been often used as an estimate. At 2011 values this is equivalent to between one and two million pounds sterling! Jim Finnie who worked at Research Department told me that the design team would often argue for a week over a change to the speaker that resulted in a 1dB change in its response. No commercial manufacturer could hope to compete with these kind of development resources and this is one reason that the design has been so highly acclaimed.
Several of the staff were very enthusiastic about the project and built their own pairs, fine tuning them for best performance. In addition the department made some pairs for use as references in house. These can arguably be considered the unlimate small monitoring loudspeaker, they were so finely tuned. Indeed the very tight tolerances required would prove a problem when it came to putting the speaker into production.
Jim Finnie has a pair of these very special loudspeakers. They can be considered the ultimate LS3/5As because they came out of BBC Research Department and do not contain the modifications introduced later by BBC Design Department. The drive units were highly selected and because of this the crossovers contain fewer components. Jim was one of the staff who bought the parts to make his own pair. Jim’s speakers were built with the help of the expert technicians at K.W. having heard them I can confirm that they are absolutely superb.